Midway Cemetery (not church)

Eufaula, Barbour, Alabama, United States


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I found a listing for Midway cemetery on the Alabama Cemetery Preservation Alliance (ACPA) website. From what I gather it's not the Midway Church Cemetery in Bullock County, but the one in Barbour. It's ACPA Cemetery ID No. 3-002409.According to the ACPA website, it's located "off 431 North just before you get to Russell County line, on the left" and the nearest town is Eufaula/Howe. Driving directions are: "off Gammage Road about 1 mile back in the woods just before you cross into Russell County on the right side of the road. Another way is off Highway 431 North about 1 1/2 miles back into the woods before you cross into Russell County on the left side of 431 North." Apparently you can't drive up to the cemetery, you have to park and walk to it but it doesn't say how far. The description of the condition is that it has pine trees everywhere and grass is taking over, and there is an original wrought iron fence.Apparently there are graves going back to 1871 (the oldest) to 1956 (possibly the newest.) Family names are: Weathers, Cronin/Cronnin, McLeroy, Boykin, and Hall, as well as a lot of unknowns, and supposedly there are slave and Native American graves "way back in the back." I'm interested in the Cronin/Cronnin, McLeroy, and Boykin families as these are my ancestors. At least I hope they're the same folks as mine.
Midway Cemetery (not church), Created by CSchlienger, Eufaula, Barbour, Alabama, United States