Mellum Creek Burial Ground (Landsborough)

Landsborough, Queensland, Australia


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To locate this burial site, follow Cribb Rd and turn right onto Old Gympie Rd. Go past the school and over the railway line and on your left after a vacant block you will see the gate the Caloundra City Council Stock Pound. Just inside the fence of the Pound and able to be easily seen without entering the property is a memorial plaque commemorating the early settlers of the area buried on this site. Mellum Creek was the the original name for the township when established in 1871. It was renamed Landsborough in 1890 when the railway came to town after William Landsborough, an early explorer. The area which includes the present day Landsborough was previously known as Mellum Creek. It seems there were at least two burial sites in this area. Today the area where this burial site is situated, is officially called Landsborough. Older records would refer to it as Mellum Creek, and this burial site was the original Mellum Creek Burial Ground. In time the township of Landsborough was built up around it. The other cemetery is now in the township of Beerwah, which is adjacent, but also sometimes referred to as Mellum Creek.
Mellum Creek Burial Ground (Landsborough), Created by Marijke Bullians, Landsborough, Queensland, Australia