Mayfield Union Cemetery

Mayfield, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States


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Mayfield Union Cemetery is the original cemetery established in 1847 for the four communities of Gates Mills, Highland Heights, Mayfield Heights, and Mayfield Village. These four communities were once united as the Mayfield Township. In 1994 the financial operations were incorporated and a board of trustees representing Mayfield Village, Highland Heights and Mayfield Heights were appointed. The Cemetery is located in Mayfield Village on Wilson Mills Road between Interstate 271 and S.O.M. Center Road (Route 91). Located across from Austin's Wood Fire Restaurant, 6535 Wilson Mills Road, the cemetery is 264 feet across and 290 feet deep. Opened in 1843, the cemetery originally sold plots in groups of six for $5 apiece. The most recent cemetery map - drawn in 1982 - lists 470 graves. But other graves may exist. The last burial in the Cemetery was in August 2009. To the best of knowledge there are possibly one or two available sites for burial but are held by family members. Records from the Cemetery were stored at the Mayfield United Methodist Church in Mayfield Village. A fire in 1950’s destroyed some the records. The Mayfield Township Historical Society has been able to gather information on the burials in the Cemetery by the grave markers and family members. Mayfield Township Historical Society’s genealogical library now has these records. The Library is located in the Bennett Van-Curen Historical Museum 606 S.O.M. Center Road, Mayfield Village Ohio 44143, 440.461.0055.
Mayfield Union Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Mayfield, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States