Manheim Union Burial Ground

Hanover, York, Pennsylvania, United States


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Manheim Union Burial Ground is located off of Blooming Grove Road, Route 216, in Manheim Township, York County, Pennsylvania.\n\nThe parking area for the short hike to the burial ground is located at coordinates, N 39 46.952, W 076 53.813, which is along Blooming Grove Road. The hike is about one-half mile (one way) in length using a park trail. Landis Road near the burial grounds is closed.\n\nThe Manheim Union Burial Ground is situated on land owned by Codorus State Park. Codorus State Park does the needed maintenance to the burial ground.\n\nIn past years the burial ground was left to grow up in weeds, with most of the stone markers broken, pushed over or missing. Today the burial ground is maintained, and a new tomb stone was erected in 1960 by Curvin O. Albright and Raymond R. Utz, Trustees. The new tomb stone names all who are buried on these grounds. \nThere are about 35 graves in this burial ground.\n\nThe burial ground is also known in the area as the Old Wildasin Burial Grounds.\n\nEarliest Burial: 01/01/1783\n\nLatest Burial: 01/01/1868\n \n
Manheim Union Burial Ground, Created by BillionGraves, Hanover, York, Pennsylvania, United States