Lincoln Regional Center Haines Branch Cemetery

Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, United States


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Also known as Haines Branch Cemetery, Lincoln State Hospital Haines Branch Cemetery. Also known as Van Dorn Cemetery or the Haines Branch Cemetery. Located within a housing development at 2550 S.W.12th Street, north of the Lincoln Regional Center. Apparently includes 250 interments, from 1929-1957, based on an online listing based on 1977 data. Headstones are only marked with numbers, since the hospital was not allowed to reflect the names of the deceased. There is a locked gate with "No Trespassing" sign, but instructions at the Calvert Street Cemetery just south of the Regional Center reflect contacting the Facility Operations Officer at 402-479-5388.
Lincoln Regional Center Haines Branch Cemetery, Created by Kevin, Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, United States