Haylie Brae Cemetery, Largs

Largs, North Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom


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As one, travelling south on the A78 nears the southern limit of Largs; the A760 to Kilbirnie is seen rising steeply on the left. This road is known locally as ‘The Haylie Brae’; and the cemetery, easily visible on the hillside to the left of the Brae, is entered from it By the late 1850s it was apparent that the parish graveyard could not accommodate many more bodies, so a new cemetery was opened. The first burial took place inFebruary 1859, and by the time the old graveyard was closed in 1867, a further twenty-eight burials had taken place in the new cemetery. This cemetery has been well kept over the years. The arrangement of graves has been conditioned by the rocky nature of the ground and by the steepness of the hill. At the time of writing, I understand that the cemetery contains a total of 12,480 burials, and due to increasing lack of space, is unlikely to take many more. Accordingly, a new cemetery has been proposed in a field in the Brisbane Glen at the north end of Largs. The book containing the monumental inscriptions recorded in 1983 - 1984 is available in the local library. (From http://www.ayrshireroots.co.uk)
Haylie Brae Cemetery, Largs, Created by andkaty, Largs, North Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom