Kaituna Valley Public (Saint Kentigern's Church) Cemetery

Ataahua, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, New Zealand


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Kaituna Valley Public (Saint Kentigern's Church) Cemetery

Ataahua, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, New Zealand
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The first Anglican services in Kaituna were in 1866 when Rev M Lingard led worship in the homestead of Mr T.H.Parkinson, an early pioneer of the valley. A meeting about building a church was held in 1912,but it was not until 1932 that the construction of a Church was authorised on land given by Mr W.F. Parkinson. The foundation stone was laid on July 1, 1933 by the Bishop of Christchurch Right Rev Campbell West Watson, and the newly-completed church was dedicated on May 12, 1934. It was consecrated on July29, 1951.\n\nConstruction. The church was built using reinforced concrete, Kaituna stone quarried from the hill behind the site, and Port Hills stone. The windows were faced with Oamaru stone.
Kaituna Valley Public (Saint Kentigern's Church) Cemetery , Created by Pam Bourke-Shaw, Ataahua, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, New Zealand