Julesburg Cemetery

Julesburg, Sedgwick, Colorado, United States


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The Julesburg Cemetery is located northeast of the intersection of I-76 and US-385 on 32 Road. The cemetery is adjacent to the interstate highway. On 11/30/2016 I photographed the small section in the northwest corner of the cemetery. About 30 other graves have also been photographed. Approximately 1,000 more gravestones need to be photographed. gpsguy 17 Oct 2020 -- I visited this cemetery today to take headstone pictures and was quiet pleased to see the cemetery getting some lipstick and rouge -- upgrades. Newly laid roads, street signs, flag poles up along, I believe, a Veterans section. The whole cemetery nicely tidied up. I visited this cemetery about 10 years or more ago and at that time the cemetery looked typical of a cemetery in the middle of no where out side of a small rural community. Now, amazing. I was in deed pleased to see some care and upgrades taking place. Awesome! Great job to who ever is overseeing these wonderful changes. Vickie Smejkal
Julesburg Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Julesburg, Sedgwick, Colorado, United States