Jackson Cemetery

Wantagh, Nassau, New York, United States


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Jackson Cemetery, which lies just north of St.Frances de Chantal Church on Wantagh Avenue.Sixty-three graves are recorded in this cemetery, about half of those are Jacksons, while most of the others are the graves of Seamans & ALTHAUSEs.\n\nThe only authenticated burial of a Revolutionary War soldier in the cemetery is that of Thomas JACKSON, who served in the 4th Line and the Second New York Regiment. Just before the Battle of Long Island, he received bounty money for his men to guard the stock of Queens County so that the British, who were about to invade & occupy Long Island, would not capture & slaughter the stock. He was also en- gaged in the capture of Fort St. George on November 30, 1780. Jackson was born in 1754 & died in 1842. He owned the property where the Wantagh Public Library now stands & lived on the east side of the Jerusalem River. \n\n Most famous of those buried in the cemetery is General Jacob Seaman JACKSON, who served in the War of 1812 as a Brigadier General. \n\n
Jackson Cemetery, Created by Trudy Maffetone, Wantagh, Nassau, New York, United States