Jaani Cemetery

Jaani, Saaremaa, Estonia


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Jaani cemetery is located in Saaremaa, near the sea-side road, which leads from Orissaare to Leisi, in close proximity of Jaani church. The cemetery has two wooden gates, in the north (main access) and west. It is surrounded with a dry stone wall. The area has three buildings - chapel (1834) and ossuary (1839) to the right of the main entrance and shed with tools and water pump straight ahead. In addition to contemporary graves, it holds several stone crosses from 19. century, old wood crosses and five crypts. Jaani cemetary is Estonian cultural monument since 1997, additional information and source of several cemetary photos: https://register.muinas.ee/public.php?menuID=monument&action=view&id=4141
Jaani Cemetery, Created by vessumargus, Jaani, Saaremaa, Estonia