Ihakara Cemetery

Foxton, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand


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Presented to the citizens of Foxton by Te Aputa Ihakara Karaitiana Te Ahu Rangiahuta Pataka, July 11, 1919. The cemetery in the gardens is the oldest used by Europeans in the Manawatu and is one of the few reminders of Te Awahou Village. The graves, marked and unmarked, are those of noteworthy Maori and Europeans and the gardens are symbolic of the peaceful relations that have existed between Maori and Pakeha in the Manawatu – both races lie buried in ground which was bequeathed to the citizens of Foxton by local Maori. Situated in central Foxton, this area will appeal to those with an interest in history. Ihakara Gardens is situated at the northern end of Main Street, with Seaview Gardens at the southern end.The oldest marked grave (1850) is that of Dr J. Best a nephew of Capt. F. Robinson whose son is also buried here. Ann, the daughter of one of the district's other early settlers T and K Kebbell, was buried here in 1854. There are certainly others whose graves are no longer marked, buried here, for this urupu of the Te Awahou marae was the only burial ground in the town until 1871. Besides Ihakara, there are six other Maori of his whanau listed on the headstones.
Ihakara Cemetery, Created by Marijke Bullians, Foxton, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand