IC Møllerparken (Vor Frelser Kirkegård)

Esbjerg, Esbjerg Municipality, Southern Denmark, Denmark


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IC Møllerparken located in central Esbjerg, is Esbjerg\'s first cemetery, which since 2005 has been disused for burials. During 2013 it was transformed into a recreational park, preserving tombstones of prestigious founders of the city of Esbjerg.\n\nDespite it\'s official name being IC Møllerparken, it is still mostly referred to as \"Den gamle Kirkegård\" (The old cemetery) or \"Den gamle Kirkegård ved Vor Frelsers Kirke\" (The old Cemetery of The Church of our Saviour\'s).\n\nMunicipal information page:\nhttp://www.esbjergkommune.dk/borger/natur--park--vandløb/grønne-områder/ic-møllerparken-ved-vor-frelser-kirke.aspx\n\nMunicipal document regarding relocating of tombstones:\nhttp://www.esbjergkommune.dk/Files/Filer/Borger/Natur, park, vandløb/Grønne områder/Renovering af Den Gamle Kirkegård/flytning af gravsten.pdf\n\nEntry at Danish tombstone archive:\nhttp://www.dk-gravsten.dk/kirkeg/Vor-Frelsen_Esbjerg.php
IC Møllerparken (Vor Frelser Kirkegård), Created by Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen, Esbjerg, Esbjerg Municipality, Southern Denmark, Denmark