Hardin Cemetery

Appling, Columbia, Georgia, United States


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A historical marker at the cemetery provides the original engravings on the grave markers. An additional explanation is provided. It states: "The Hardin family settled here after the Revolutionary War to farm landed granted to soldiers by the new U.S. government. The Hardins have prospered and led as farmers, merchants, and educators in this corner of the Little and Savannah Rivers ever since. Jabez Sanford Hardin, who was son of Robert J. and served as the county's Superintendent of Schools from 1921 to 1948, established the name, Leah, for this community when he applied for a local post office. "Wherever the Hardin children may go to pursue their dreams, this place will always remain in their hearts God's Country and their home. "This sacred place also memorializes the important contributions of slaves and freedmen whose graves are scattered about the immediate area. Though nameless today, their skilled labor and family caretaking helped create the prosperity of this community in which some of their ancestors still live. Robert J. Hardin acknowledged their important contribution through monetary pensions for their security in his will. "Plaque placed by Jabie Sanford Hardin, and Charles Ralph Hardin, Jr --1998"
Hardin Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Appling, Columbia, Georgia, United States