Greenlay George Cemetery

Lévis, Les Appalaches, Quebec, Canada


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This cemetery is one of two located on the 11th range. Although it is mowed and kept neat, there were several headstones that had become unglued and toppled from their bases. These we could not read at this time as they had fallen face down. A few other stones were impossible to decipher. There is plenty of room in this rather large plot of land but it appears it will never be filled since there are few English people living in the area nowadays. It was used since the 1830s and the latest burial was in 1996 so it is still occasionally used. There is a little stand with a book inside for vistors to record their visit. It is also fenced off from the surrounding fields and it has a gate. Susan Nutbrown and I made a complete recording of all legible ones on Jul 16, 2006. - Leslie Nutbrown
Greenlay George Cemetery , Created by dmag, Lévis, Les Appalaches, Quebec, Canada