Gore Church Cemetery

Madison, Lake, Ohio, United States


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Also known as South Madison Cemetery. The Gore Church Cemetery is located in Lake County. The county seat for Lake County is located in Painesville. Painesville lies 10 miles [16.1 km] to the west of the Gore Church Cemetery [Map]. We are using the following GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) for the Gore Church Cemetery Lat: 41.7264° (41° 43' 35") Lon: -81.0493° (-81° 2' 57") Known as the Gore Church Cemetery, although not belonging to the Methodist Episcopal Church which was across the road, this small burying ground is on the west side of South Madison Road (St. Rte. 528) 0.05 miles north of Ford Road and 0.1 mile north of Ross Road. It is directly across the street from the South Madison Bible Baptist Church. The sands of time and weather have taken a large toll on this cemetery. It is small and not very noticeable from the road, as it is up on a bluff higher than the road surface. The WPA cemetery map states that the history of this cemetery was provided by Joseph Emerson. It also states that Dea. J. Emerson is a Revolutionary War soldier buried there. On August 24, 1861, the organizational meeting of the South Madison Cemetery Association took place with residents of the South Madison community. F.E. Benjamin was selected chairman and M.C. Turney, secretary. This was recorded in Volume A pages 23 and 24 of the Lake County Recorder’s Book of Associations. These meetings have very little to do with the actual care of the cemetery, but with the organization of the trustees themselves. In Lake County Recorder’s Deed Book Vol. S, page 120, the cemetery is sold to Ziba Steaves, F.E. Benjamin, D.S. Osborn, and A. Cleveland, Trustees of Madison Gore Cemetery Association by Lewis Randall and his wife Charlotte for $1.00 or a free gift of a burial lot. In Madison Township, Tract 11, lot No. 6, “and known as being in the present burying lot upon my farm.” It is described as being nearly across from the Methodist Meeting House, and lying 9 rods upon said road…. It is 9X10 rods. This is roughly 0.39 acres. The deed was signed 16 September 1861. It appears that Mr. Lewis Randall must have taken the deal, as there is a man of the same name buried there who died 1 Nov. 1864. His first wife died much earlier, in 1834. His wife Charlotte is not seen on any stone in this cemetery. The oldest death date on a stone appears to be that of Sylvia Emerson who departed this life Dec. 18, 1823, aged 19 years. Her stone is a brownstone with willow fronds and geometric designs. The most recent date in this inactive cemetery is 1926, the stone of George A. Williams. Although the WPA map is drawn with four nearly even sections, it appears more as two sections one north and one south, with the path quite off center. Both of these sections were read the same, the rows from east to west and the stones from south to north. These readings were proofed on 5 June 2001.
Gore Church Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Madison, Lake, Ohio, United States