Geraldton Apex Park Pioneer Cemetery

Geraldton, City of Greater Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia


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Geraldton Apex Park Pioneer Cemetery

Geraldton, City of Greater Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia
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Geraldton’s first cemetery is the Geraldton Apex Park Pioneer Cemetery (Urch Street Cemetery) were Catholics and Anglicans were buried. A new cemetery was opened later for all non-Catholic/Anglican burials, this cemetery is the Geraldton Pioneer Cemetery (in BillionGraves) located on George Street. This cemetery was called the Eastern Road Cemetery, not the Geraldton Pioneer Cemetery. Both cemeteries became full in the 1930s and a new cemetery was opened called Utakatta Cemetery. The two original cemeteries became derelict and overgrown with weeds/plants. In the 1960s the APEX group decided, as project, to clean up the Geraldton Apex Park Pioneer Cemetery and turn it into a park with the existing headstones left in place or moved to a garden feature. At the same time the Geraldton local government decided to cover over the Eastern Road Cemetery and turn it into a residential development. Descendants of those buried at the Eastern Road Cemetery were offered to take the headstones of their loved ones, any left over headstones were stored until the Geraldton Apex Park Pioneer Cemetery was finished, then the headstones were incorporated into the garden feature. Thus the Geraldton Apex Park Pioneer Cemetery has headstone for people buried in that cemetery as well as headstones of those who are buried under the now housing estate (no longer existing Eastern Road Cemetery).
Geraldton Apex Park Pioneer Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Geraldton, City of Greater Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia