Gamla kyrkogården

Gävle, Gävleborg, Gävleborg, Sweden


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Images of Cemetery


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Description 1808 inaugurated what we now call the Skogskyrkogården (Old Cemetery) adjacent to the Bois de Boulogne (Boulognerskogen), between the river and the road to Valbo. At the cemetery, you can see 200 years of Gävle's history mirrored in the great merchant families tomb, and in the wake of the poor graves. The aisles are straight, wide and lined avenue trees. Grave district is strict and often have large and magnificent funeral monuments. In the Old Cemetery is 5,000 grave sites of which 4,000 are cistgraves. There is also a foster gravesite who came to the wishes of parents who lost their immature children.
Gamla kyrkogården, Created by Mikael_Skold, Gävle, Gävleborg, Gävleborg, Sweden