Gaillard-Mitchell Cemetery

Baytown, Harris, Texas, United States


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1869 the Gaillard family settled on the banks of Goose Creek, on the east side of the creek near its mouth. A shipping point, known as "Gaillard's Landing" was begun at this point and prospered for many years. The Gaillard homesite was near by east of the landing. This property later became the center of the first oil activity in this area and then became the GOOSE CREEK OIL FIELD. The only visible remains of this homestead today is a small family cemetery plot located in a 1 acre area of land untouched by oil field activity. The family refused large sums of money for this cemetery tract. The cemetery is located at the west end of Lee Drive in the Goose Creek oil field, Baytown,Tx. The cemetery is surrounded by a 4 foot cement wall.
Gaillard-Mitchell Cemetery , Created by Baby Stegosaurus , Baytown, Harris, Texas, United States