Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Cemetery

Manitowoc Rapids, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States


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Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Cemetery

Manitowoc Rapids, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States
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These cemeteries are located two miles west of the junction of Highway 141 and 151 on highway 151, and the T Road intersection of Alverno Road. The new cemetery is located on the side of a sloping hill to the east of the driveway near the highway. The older cemetery is located next to Holy Family Convent and is bordered on the west by St. Joseph Parish Church and school. It is also commonly known as Holy Family Cemetery and the sisters cemetery, though there are a number of lay people buried here. Indexed July 24 and 25 of 1976, by Marcie Baer, Member of Manitowoc County Old Cem. Soc. The oldest stone listed is that of a lay person, Amalia Fessler who died Sept. 26, 1866.\n\nSister Caritas Strodthoff is the archivist for the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, you can direct requests to her at:\\nWisconsin 920-682-7728
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Cemetery, Created by Sister Migut, Manitowoc Rapids, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States