Fort Gordon Cemetery #30 - Leitner Cemetery

Fort Gordon, Richmond, Georgia, United States


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When Fort Gordon was established in Richmond County, Georgia in 1940, the United States Army took over a number of historic family cemeteries that were on the land aquired by the U.S. government. Fort Gordon continues to maintain these cemeteries, giving each an identifing number and noting the family name associated with the cemetery. Part of the initial agreement, family members wanting to visit the cemetery could by making arrangements ahead of time. This cemetery has a Civil War Monument, it's at the gate as you enter the cemetery, it reads ERECTED IN MEMORY OF OUR BOYS IN GRAY BY THE LINWOOD SUNDAY SCHOOL -- JUNE 1866 (This is a list of names without any dates or other information on the memorial.) C D Sellers, L Phillips, J T Bruckner, D Dye, George Bruckner, L Hatcher, W Farmer, E Newson, W J Porter, J Livingston, C H Palmer, J Carroll, A V Palmer, G Carroll, H Rooks, F Hoffman, John Wiley, James Wiley, j Wren, G Blackstone, J Whitaker, S A Averet, B Fitzgerold. The monument is to the left of the cemetery #30 sign in the picture.
Fort Gordon Cemetery #30 - Leitner Cemetery, Created by SamuelTaylorGeer, Fort Gordon, Richmond, Georgia, United States