Forest Hills Cemetery and Shalom Memorial Park

Lower Moreland, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States


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Forest Hills Cemetery and Shalom Memorial Park

Lower Moreland, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States
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Located in the prestigious Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania's Forest Hills Cemetery boasts beautiful grounds and lush landscaping to create a welcoming and tranquil environment. Sitting along side the Shalom Memorial Park and the Lamb Funeral Home, Forest Hills has been serving Philadelphia families for over 100 years and believes in offering only top-notch service and compassionate care. From taking care of the minutest detail to providing a place for family and friends to gather to memorialize those in repose, Forest Hills is committed to giving second-to-none customer service during a difficult time. Part of the award winning Dignity Memorial Network, Forest Hills offers breathtaking grounds with hills, Oak trees and beautiful Evergreens found throughout. The atmosphere at Forest Hills is meant to be one of reverence and remembrance. It is a place where those at rest are given the honor they deserve in a setting that family and friends can visit to find peace and calm. Just a short drive from the city of Philadelphia, Forest Hills feels like it's in a world of its own. Away from the noise and sights of the big city, the grounds of Forest Hills are serene. It is a place where nature and tranquility meet to create a place where true reflection and peace can take place.
Forest Hills Cemetery and Shalom Memorial Park, Created by Russ Young, Lower Moreland, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States