Forest Hill Cemetery-Midtown

Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, United States


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The first of our three cemeteries and funeral homes started in midtown Memphis in 1888. The cemetery began with 160 acres but in 1960 the US Postal Service acquired 40 undeveloped acres. This beautiful cemetery has so much history, with 100-year-old majestic oaks and maple trees and monuments dating back into the 1800s. Forest Hill's first mausoleum was built in 1915, at first available to the wealthy and famous citizens of Memphis, including temporary entombment to Elvis Presley in 1977 while permanent entombment was being prepared at Graceland. Over the years, we have had many revisions and enhancements to our chapel, but we have always kept our quality services to our families that we serve.
Forest Hill Cemetery-Midtown, Created by BillionGraves, Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, United States