Cheriton Road Cemetery, Folkestone

Folkestone and Hythe, Kent, England, United Kingdom


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The first recorded burials are from 1856 and there are almost 15000 graves and over 26000 interments in Cheriton Road Cemetery. There are also many monumental inscriptions for people who died elsewhere but are memorialised at Folkestone. In 2016 the "Friends of Old Folkestone Cemetery" (FOFC) was formed and they have an ongoing maintenance project to care for the cemetery - see website. The cemetery has three main burial areas. Unconsecrated burials in the central area and Consecrated burials at either end. If you know which area a person is buried in, it will help with photo requests as grave numbers are duplicated in the two areas.
Cheriton Road Cemetery, Folkestone, Created by SamuelTaylorGeer, Folkestone and Hythe, Kent, England, United Kingdom