Marosvásárhelyi Református Temető

Târgu Mureș, Municipiul Târgu - Mureș, Județul Mureș, Romania


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Marosvásárhelyi Református Temető

Târgu Mureș, Municipiul Târgu - Mureș, Județul Mureș, Romania
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Ro: Cimitirul Reformat / En: Calvinist Cemetery --- One of the main/oldest cemeteries in the city, used mainly (but not exclusively) by the Calvinist/Hungarian community in the city. Persons on graves can be most often assumed to be Calvinist, unless explicitly marked otherwise (i.e. if the name has a cross next to it, the person was likely of Catholic faith) Its mortuary was built originally in 1698, and although it was already rebuilt once (with its original roof beam, bearing the dating inscription), its considered the oldest mortuary/funeral home in Transylvania --- Source:átus_temető_(Marosvásárhely)
Marosvásárhelyi Református Temető, Created by cierragunn, Târgu Mureș, Municipiul Târgu - Mureș, Județul Mureș, Romania