Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, Also known as: Hope Cemetery, Mertz

Dryville, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States


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Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, Also known as: Hope Cemetery, Mertz

Dryville, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States
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Also known as: Hope Cemetery, Mertz Church Cemetery.\n\nCemetery notes and/or description:\nThe location of the church and cemetery, which is in two parts separated by a corn field, is in Dryville, Rockland Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, on Fleetwood Road just west of Lyons Road. The original cemetery is located next to the west side of the church. The interments in this section go into the mid-1800s. Looking west from the church, the newer is clearly seen beyond the field. Leaving the church and going west on Fleetwood Road about one-quarter mile, you will pass the new section on the right with the paved entrance road on the west side. In talking with two local people at the cemetery, they confirmed that the church owns both sites. There is a sign on the entrance road with the rules of Top Cemetery, Dryville. The sign is in poor shape. This new section is also known as Hope Cemetery. You got to go down Dryville Rd for the newer and bigger cemetery.
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, Also known as: Hope Cemetery, Mertz, Created by Buddy Linderman, Dryville, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States