Linwood Cemetery

Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, United States


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Linwood cemetery was the first cemetery in Columbus, est. in 1828. A surveyor, Mr. Lloyd Thomas, who was working in Columbus, son became ill and died. Mr. Thomas buried his son and surveyed the four acres surrounding his son's grave to be used as a cemetery in Columbus. This cemetery is rich with history in that it is the final resting place for 500 Confederate servicemen, as well as other celebrated individuals, such as, Maj General Henry L. "Old Rock" Benning (for whom Ft. Benning is named), John Pemberton (who is the originator of the Coca-Cola formula), and Lizzie Rutherford, who began interest in the observance of a National Memorial Day, among countless others.
Linwood Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, United States