Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial, Madingley

South Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, England, United Kingdom


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Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial, Madingley

South Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, England, United Kingdom
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The Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial site in England, 30.5 acres in total, was donated by the University of Cambridge. It lies on a slope with the west and south sides framed by woodland. The cemetery contains the remains of 3,812 of our war dead; 5,127 names are recorded on the Walls of the Missing. Rosettes mark the names of those since recovered and identified. Most died in the Battle of the Atlantic or in the strategic air bombardment of northwest Europe. From the flagpole platform near the main entrance, the great mall with its reflecting pools stretches eastward. It is from the mall that the wide, sweeping curve of the burial area across the lawn is best appreciated. Along the south side are the Walls of the Missing, and at the far end is the memorial with a chapel, two huge military maps, stained glass windows bearing the state seals and military decorations, and a mosaic ceiling memorial honoring the dead of our air forces. A new, 4,000-square-foot center visitor center opened in May 2014. Dedicated: 1956 Burials: 3812 Missing in Action: 5127 Acres: 30.50
Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial, Madingley, Created by Catirrel, South Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, England, United Kingdom