Busselton Cemetery

Busselton, Western Australia, Australia


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Cemetery Information


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Number of Headstone Records


Number of Supporting Records



Active Burial Cemetery General Cemetery Guidelines Please treat all elements within the Cemetery with dignity and respect. Working Assistance Dogs are welcome. Please leave your pets at home. Access Visitors with mobility issues are invited to drive into the Busselton Cemetery grounds along designated roads. The gates are open from 8:30am to 3:00pm daily. Please use caution when driving within the cemetery: Do not exceed the 25kph limit; Use the tarred roads only; Give pedestrians the right of way; Park Responsibly. Tributes Please use only non-breakable vases or containers. Display only live, cut flowers. Retain tributes within your boundaries. Unfortunately, all non conforming tribute items will be removed as they pose a significant risk to the public. Enquiries can be sent to: enquiries@busselton.wa.gov.au
Busselton Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Busselton, Western Australia, Australia