Burlington Cemetery

Burlington, Milam, Texas, United States


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Members of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Burlington established this cemetery in 1917. Land for the cemetery once belonged to Michael and John Jones, founders of the town of Burlington. The church purchased the cemetery property from John Helpert, who acquired it from the Jones family. Neighboring St. Michael’s Cemetery had already been established for use by Catholic residents, and there was need for a burial ground to serve Lutherans and other non-Catholic residents. The earliest recorded interment here dates to 1917. The Burlington Church merged with the Vogelsang Lutheran Church in 1953, forming the United Evangelical and Reformed Church of Ben Arnold, which became overseer of the Burlington Cemetery. In 1957, following another merger, the United Church of Christ became the property administrator. The Burlington Cemetery Association now cares for and maintains the cemetery, which continues to serve as a burial ground for Burlington area residents, as well as for descendants of former residents of the community. Texas Historical Marker erected 2004
Burlington Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Burlington, Milam, Texas, United States