Bumbaldry - Lone Grave of Abraham Hope

Bumbaldry, Weddin Shire Council, New South Wales, Australia


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Address: off Mid Western Highway Bumbaldry NSW 2794 The burial site of Abraham Hope, who died in 1866. The grave site on "Warrawee" is situated east of a small track running north from the Mid Western Highway. It is 750 metres north of the homestead within a large paddock used for cattle grazing. The site area is defined by an old hardwood mortice and tenon post and rail fence. There are remnants of old posts from a timber picket surround with faceted finials on corner posts around the grave. A recent fence of star picket and wire mesh now encloses the actual grave. The monument is a tall concrete pedestal of recent date with a bronze plaque bearing the inscription (possibly copied from an earlier memorial), and a concrete slab. Source: Australian Heritage Database - Place ID 101234
Bumbaldry - Lone Grave of Abraham Hope, Created by BillionGraves, Bumbaldry, Weddin Shire Council, New South Wales, Australia