St Michael the Archangels Church, Brixton Deverill

Brixton Deverill, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom


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St Michael the Archangels Church, Brixton Deverill

Brixton Deverill, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom
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The church at Brixton Deverill occupies a site next to the manor house, at the heart of the medieval village. Originally built in the 13th century, the present building comprises of a chancel, a nave, and a west tower, and has been much restored and altered over the centuries. Of the original church the lower part of the tower and an arch inside the church are 13th century; the belfry stage was added to the tower in the 15th century. The nave and chancel were rebuilt c. 1760 and again in 1862, when the chancel was lengthened to two bays and a vestry attached to its north-east side. A spire was added in 1852 but was removed in 1899 when it became unsafe. Slight restoration work was completed during the 20th century.
St Michael the Archangels Church, Brixton Deverill, Created by PAW, Brixton Deverill, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom