Bradstone Road Baptist Cemetery, Folkestone

Folkestone and Hythe, Kent, England, United Kingdom


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Baptist Cemetery in use from 1747 to 1856. Only accessible through a locked gate via steep Victorian built steps. The Baptist burial ground started in the 1750s, in the garden of a miller. Until 1855, Baptists were buried there, as their ‘radical’ beliefs resulted in discrimination that prevented burial in Anglican ground. Following law reform in the 1850s, the burial ground was no longer required. When the railway arrived in the late 1800s, the slopes of the Pent Valley were cut away to be developed as terraced housing and the burial ground was left stranded as an ‘island’, floating 55 feet in the air. Since, as Folkestone has evolved and time has passed, the burial ground has become overgrown and forgotten by the town.
Bradstone Road Baptist Cemetery, Folkestone, Created by SteveN, Folkestone and Hythe, Kent, England, United Kingdom