St. George Anglican and Brigus United Church Cemeteries

Brigus, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada


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St. George Anglican and Brigus United Church Cemeteries

Brigus, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
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The cemeteries surrounding both St. George Heritage (Anglican) Church and Brigus United Church have distinct boundaries, however, the fences have mostly been removed between the religious cemeteries, so that visitors are not often aware when they leave the United and enter the Anglican area of the cemeteries. There are at least 10 gateways into these cemeteries. About halfway between the two churches is where the original ANGLICAN cemetery is and it continues on to the stone-walled corner intersection of Middle Ridge and The Walk and where the impressive wrought iron gates lead to the former St. George Church. Again on the right-hand (town-side) side of the laneway between two areas of these cemeteries is another ANGLICAN section. From just left of the United Church and all the area to the right of the Church and on the left-hand (ocean-side) of the laneway is the UNITED CHURCH part of the cemeteries. Additionally, on the right-hand (town-side) of the laneway opposite and going past the United Church also forms part of the UNITED CHURCH section of the cemeteries. As you enter the second-last gateway (a double gate made from wrought-iron) on the left (town) side of the laneway, you have again entered the ANGLICAN section; with the UNITED CHURCH section stopping just short of the double wrought-iron gateway. PARKING and a turn-around is at the end of the UNITED CHURCH ocean-side section and there is a gate there to enter the UNITED CHURCH Section. Down the laneway a little ways past the turn-around and on the right (town-side) of the laneway, is another ANGLICAN section of the cemeteries.
St. George Anglican and Brigus United Church Cemeteries, Created by v0rtex2o14, Brigus, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada