Congregation Ahavath Joseph Cemetery

Hawthorne, Passaic, New Jersey, United States


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Also known as Ahavath Joseph Cemetery. The Ahavath Joseph cemetery is located on Brockhuizen Lane (off Goffle Road, right by the high school). This is a Jewish cemetery that was originally purchased by a group of people from Slutska, Lithuania (an area that is in modern-day Belarus). The group moved to Paterson in the early 1900s and formed a congregation called Ahavath Joseph on Godwin Street and used a plot of land in Hawthorne as their cemetery. The site is entered through an ancient-looking arch with a surrounding stone wall about three-feet high that gives the cemetery a sense of security. The cemetery is old and crumbling, but it is still cared for and the grave planting make a nice ground cover throughout the area. The grave stones range in height and length and some cover several plots; for instance, the Cohen headstone hovers above a couple graves. Some stones have fallen over the years and some are missing completely, but those that remain upright show that many deaths occurred around 1918 during the influenza epidemic. The cemetery is no longer used (the last to be buried there was in the 1990s), but the plot of land remains for Hawthornites to visit and learn from.
Congregation Ahavath Joseph Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Hawthorne, Passaic, New Jersey, United States