Brookside Cemetery

Bridgewater, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada


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Brookside Cemetery is valued for its spiritual and cultural significance to the town of Bridgewater. It serves as a record of the diverse people who have lived in and built the town from its inception, and is still significant as a resting place for today's residents. It serves as a multi-denominational cemetery having replaced many of the small graveyards which had been attached to local churches. Its first burial dates back to 1860, and through continuous burials since that time, it is the resting place of many significant citizens of the Town. The Cemetery occupies a 25.8 acre site. It was first cared for by Dean Wile, a local businessman, and was turned over to the town in 1879. From the earliest days of the town, prominent business and professional persons were laid to rest in Brookside Cemetery. The Cemetery shows evidence of the development of monument markers; examples of many carvers, and features stones produced by local carvers. The natural heritage of the mature tree canopy and pond, its terraced and grass-covered internment area, and its meandering paths and roadways are all of great historical and cultural significance. Its architectural features or character defining elements include: Prominently located on the corner of York Street and Victoria Road/Hwy 325. • Terraced, grass-covered internment areas. • Landscape, streetscape and natural heritage of mature trees and pond. • Low stone walls and wrought-iron railings around group burials. • Variety (size, style, material & sophistication) of markers. • Original stones indicative of their time in history. • Inscriptions demonstrating evolution of memorial messages. • Burial place for influential community members. • Only multi-denominational cemetery in town. • Established by a local businessman and granted to the town. BROOKSIDE CEMETERY BRIDGEWATER MUNICIPAL HERITAGE PROPERTY While the first burial at what would become Brookside Cemelery is believed to have taken place around 1860, it was in 1879 that Dean Wile chose to set aside these lands to serve as a non-denominational resting place for the residents of Bridgewater. Additional land was purchased in 1888, increasing the area of the cemetery to about 31 acres along the north side of Victoria Road at York Street. In 1902, the cemetery was conveyed to the town. In 2012, Brookside Cemetery was officially designated a municipal heritage property by the Town of Bridgewater. The cemetery's integrity and historic character shall be protected under the Heritage Property Act of Nova Scotia.
Brookside Cemetery, Created by Nealbowers, Bridgewater, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada