Richard Orla Garringer Jr

Richard Orla Garringer Jr

Born: 15 October 1980
Died: 16 October 1980
Given NameRichard Orla
Last NameGarringer
Name SuffixJr
Birth Date15 October 1980
Death Date16 October 1980
Burial CountryUnited States
Burial StateIndiana
Burial CountyJay
Burial CityBluff Point
Burial CemeteryBluff Point Cemetery
This record was batch loaded from the file <Bluff Point - Jay Co.xlsx>
General Short DescriptionThe burial record of Richard Orla Garringer Jr. Cemetery: Bluff Point Cemetery, Location: Bluff Point, Jay, Indiana, United States. Birth: 15 Oct 1980, Death: 16 Oct 1980.
Additional data from member contributors record for Richard Orla Garringer Jr (15 October 1980 - 16 October 1980), BillionGraves Record Bluff Point Cemetery, Bluff Point, Jay, Indiana, United States, North America