Orva Estella Striker

Orva Estella Striker

Born: 1877
Died: 1956
Given NameOrva Estella
Last NameStriker
Birth Date1877
Death Date1956
Burial CountryUnited States
Burial StateIndiana
Burial CountyAdams
Burial CityMonroe
Burial CemeteryBackesto Cemetery
This record was batch loaded from the file (Backesto-Spring Hill listing.csv)
SourceJim Cox/USGenWeb
records:recordTypes.920The burial record of Orva Estella Striker. Cemetery: Backesto Cemetery, Location: Monroe, Adams, Indiana, United States. Birth: 1877, Death: 1956.
Additional data from member contributors
BillionGraves.com record for Orva Estella Striker (1877 - 1956), BillionGraves Record Backesto Cemetery, Monroe, Adams, Indiana, United States, North America