Margaret M DeCaire

Margaret M DeCaire

Born: 21 September 1913
Died: 29 June 1973
Given NameMargaret M
Last NameDeCaire
Birth Date21 September 1913
Death Date29 June 1973
Burial CountryUnited States
Burial StateMichigan
Burial CountyAlpena
Burial CityLong Rapids
Burial CemeteryLong Rapids Cemetery
This record was batch loaded from the file <Long Rapids Cemetery - Alpena Co, MI.xlsx>
records:recordTypes.920The burial record of Margaret M DeCaire. Cemetery: Long Rapids Cemetery, Location: Long Rapids, Alpena, Michigan, United States. Birth: 21 Sep 1913, Death: 29 Jun 1973.
Additional data from member contributors record for Margaret M DeCaire (21 September 1913 - 29 June 1973), BillionGraves Record Long Rapids Cemetery, Long Rapids, Alpena, Michigan, United States, North America