Mabel Garringer (Shaneyfelt)

Mabel Garringer (Shaneyfelt)

Born: 10 March 1904
Died: 9 September 1948
Given NameMabel
Last NameGarringer
Maiden NameShaneyfelt
Maiden NameShaneyfelt
Birth Date10 March 1904
Death Date9 September 1948
Burial CountryUnited States
Burial StateIndiana
Burial CountyJay
Burial CityBluff Point
Burial CemeteryBluff Point Cemetery
This record was batch loaded from the file <Bluff Point - Jay Co.xlsx>
records:recordTypes.920The burial record of Mabel Garringer (Shaneyfelt). Cemetery: Bluff Point Cemetery, Location: Bluff Point, Jay, Indiana, United States. Birth: 10 Mar 1904, Death: 9 Sep 1948.
Additional data from member contributors record for Mabel Garringer (Shaneyfelt) (10 March 1904 - 9 September 1948), BillionGraves Record Bluff Point Cemetery, Bluff Point, Jay, Indiana, United States, North America