Lucretia May Johnson

Lucretia May Johnson

Born: 13 May 1872
Died: 2 April 1972
Age: 99 Years 10 Months 20 Days
Given NameLucretia May
Last NameJohnson
Birth Date13 May 1872
Death Date2 April 1972
Burial CountryUnited States
Burial StateIndiana
Burial CountyAllen
Burial CityFort Wayne
Burial CemeteryLindenwood Cemetery
Plot: P-121 This record was batch loaded from the file <J Listing - Lindenwood.xlsx>
Age Years99
Age Months10
Age Days20
records:recordTypes.920The burial record of Lucretia May Johnson. Cemetery: Lindenwood Cemetery, Location: Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States. Birth: 13 May 1872, Death: 2 Apr 1972.
Additional data from member contributors record for Lucretia May Johnson (13 May 1872 - 2 April 1972), BillionGraves Record Lindenwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States, North America