John W P Sackett

John W P Sackett

Died: 18 October 1953
Age: 6 Months
Given NameJohn W P
Last NameSackett
Death Date18 October 1953
Burial CountryUnited States
Burial StateIndiana
Burial CountyAdams
Burial CityMonroe
Burial CemeteryBackesto Cemetery
This record was batch loaded from the file (Backesto-Spring Hill listing.csv)
Age Years
Age Months6
SourceJim Cox/USGenWeb
records:recordTypes.920The burial record of John W P Sackett. Cemetery: Backesto Cemetery, Location: Monroe, Adams, Indiana, United States. Birth: Not Available, Death: 18 Oct 1953.
Additional data from member contributors record for John W P Sackett (18 October 1953), BillionGraves Record Backesto Cemetery, Monroe, Adams, Indiana, United States, North America