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BillionGraves Plus Features

Family Plots

Family Plots

70% of all people are buried in Family Plots. This feature shows you where they are!

Nearby Graves

Nearby Graves

Family members that do not share the same family name are most likely found near other family graves. This feature allows you to see those headstones, sorted by distance from the one you selected. An example might be a headstone that is labeled only as “Infant”, “Mother” or “Father”.

Global Family

Global Family

See everyone that shares the same family name on a map sorted by city, county, state, country or even the whole world. You can then zoom in and see the specifics.

Family Notifications

Family Notifications

You will be notified immediately ANYTIME a NEW RECORD comes in that matches the name and location you have selected. You don’t have to search. We search for you.

Ad Free

Ad Free

No Ads. No distractions. Faster search results, bigger photos, and larger maps.

Priority Support

Priority Support

Click on the support link in the footer of any page and submit your question. Your question will be moved to the top of the support queue.

Earn BillionGraves Plus For Free!

Contribute to BillionGraves and you can receive FREE access to BG Plus. Upload 2,500 or more photographs or complete 500 or more transcriptions in one month and you will receive credit for one FREE month of BG Plus.

Each credit that you earn can be activated when you are ready to use it. If you are already a BG Plus subscriber, your subscription will be extended for an additional month when you activate the credit.

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