Tolen Cemetery

Andersonville, Macon, Georgia, United States


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My name is Tolen Anderson May, child of Jack Thomas May and Marry Rasberry May of Montezuma, GA. This cemetery is on our property which I interited from my mother - it's in the woods across the street from the house my mom grew up in. Buried here are my adopted ancestors, who adopted my Grandfather, Will Rasberry as a child after his father's death (was an itenerant preacher). Graves here(from right to left) are: 1. James "Pone" Tolen (my foster great-grandfather) 2. Woodson Tolen (his father) 3. Woodson's wife (don't remember her name) 4. and 5. 2 children (ages approx 10-12) 6. A blank space with no stone (we don't know if anyone' buried there but my father buried my brother's dog in a fiberglass cooler in this space!! 7. Another child The stones on the graves are identical to the grave on Sam Tolen's grave in Lake City, FL. Sam and his brother Mike were featured in the book "Killing Mr. Watson" by acclaimed American author, Peter Matthiessen.
Tolen Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Andersonville, Macon, Georgia, United States