Melvin Lewis Cemetery

Aurora, Arapahoe, Colorado, United States


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The Melvin-Lewis Cemetery is located in southeast Aurora on the east side of Parker Road near Orchard Road. The area was once called the Melvin community, which was northwest of the cemetery along both banks of Cherry Creek. The name Melvin comes from the earliest settlers in the area, John and Jane Melvin, who built a ranch northwest of there in the 1860s. The Melvin place soon became known as 12 Mile House, a way station along Cherry Creek. The Lewis name comes from John and Emma Lewis, who owned a farm in the area. In 1883 the Lewises purchased the land which included the cemetery. Over time it assumed the new name of Melvin-Lewis Cemetery. Most residents were forced to move when the Cherry Creek Dam was built. This burial ground fell into disuse and was abandoned. Many remains have been moved over the years and there are no grave markers left. The cemetery has now been preserved as part of the Pioneer Hills Shopping Center.
Melvin Lewis Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Aurora, Arapahoe, Colorado, United States