Jones-Perkins-Hawkins Cemetery

Decatur, DeKalb, Georgia, United States


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The cemetery known as Jones-Perkins- Hawkings Cemetery was part of Atlanta historian, Franklin Garrett's great cemetery survey of the 1930s. At that time there were a few markers still there, but since that time all markers have been removed. A few rocks marking graves remain as well as a few sinks here and there. The property located east of Avondale Estates inside the triangular intersection of Covington Highway and Midway Rd. in Dekalb CO, GA is now grown-up. The location of this cemetery as well as the people who are listed in it, also comes from an oral history handed down by their granddaughter, Ella Hawkins Edwards. She stated that her Grandma and Grandpa Hawkins lived on the right side of Covington Highway just past the cemetery and that they and her grandmother's parents were buried there.
Jones-Perkins-Hawkins Cemetery, Created by JohnSmithLemley, Decatur, DeKalb, Georgia, United States